Unit 1

Chinese Storytelling Competition

Students work very hard to perform well in the Chinese storytelling competition.  Through the use of vocal power and body language, the students practice their theatrical skills before a small audience. It’s an exercise in confidence and pride.


Dance Performance

The afternoon was spent with students from each class performing various dances. They displayed their choreography and dance skills as a group. These performances were very pleasant to watch.


Orchestra Performance

Learning an instrument is wonderful, but getting to display your musical skills is even more magical! The school's sports day featured students demonstrating their talents on a variety of instruments, including the cello, drums, and accordion. The sounds and rhythms they produced had everyone smiling and clapping!


Group Dance Performance

Today was exciting and enjoyable for students, staff, and parents alike. The children from each class performed dances and routines they had practiced over the summer. Some students used colorful props to resemble dragons, others wielded brightly shining batons, and still others showed off their modern dance skills. 


Sports Day Opening Ceremony

The sports day ceremony opened with speeches from the principal and staff members, followed by the release of colorful balloons and the lighting of the torch. Finally, the students proudly marched and waved flags in honor of their school.


Fun Games for Teachers and Staff

It’s only natural that the hardworking staff and teachers deserve a break and some fun too. Here, they are split into teams and compete in a series of games. This event takes them back to their childhood and makes them feel young again.


 Awarding Ceremony

The sports day ended with an awards ceremony. The top-performing students were given medals for their achievements. Even though not everyone could win first place, all the students were recognized and celebrated for their efforts!


Relay Race

A great way for students to learn to cooperate and count on each other is through relay racing. These athletic events help them to work together and inspire strength in numbers to achieve a goal.


Fun Games for Students

Today is planned to be exciting and fun for both parents and students. Meeting outside on the sports field, they take part in a variety of games and activities. These challenges are both fun and enriching, testing their minds and bodies. The competition is fierce!
