Minsheng's Music Program 民生音樂班

Minsheng Elementary's Music Program: Where music lives in every note

Welcome to Minsheng Elementary, home of the Music Program where dreams and music meet. Since 1985, we've been nurturing young talents with our rich resources: dozens of pianos, dedicated music rooms, and a treasure trove of music materials.

Our students dive into both academics and music, learning and growing every day. They perform, compete, and most importantly, shine, showing their skills both in and out of school.

Join us at Minsheng, where your musical journey begins, and where tomorrow's stars are born today. Your stage is waiting.





Vocabulary: program 課程/ note 音符/ dream 夢想/ meet 交會/ nurture 培育/ talent 人才/ rich 豐富的/ resource 資源/ dozens of 數十的/ dediced 專用的/ treasure trove 寶庫/ material 材料/ dive 潛心於/ academics 課業/ perform 表演/ compete 比賽/ importantly 重要地/ shine 放光芒/ skill 技巧/ journey 旅程/ star 明星/ stage 舞台

Muiscal Instruments 樂器名稱